FOMO is Real

What is it that we’re missing or is it really something to miss? We all experience that phenomena where we’re regretting something that we skipped or miss something, don’t you. Well, what’s this feeling anyway?56389517_347646439210706_6209924811913691136_n
“ FOMO is an acronym that stands for the phrase fear of missing out. It has been in steady use since the early 2000s, its popularity fueled by the internet. Someone who suffers from FOMO is afraid of not being included in an activity, of missing a rewarding interaction. This feeling may often arise when reading posts from friends, acquaintances and others on social media. The term fear of missing out was coined by Dan Herman, a marketing expert, in the 1990s. By 2002, the acronym FOMO began appearing in publications to mean the fear of not experiencing life to its fullest. FOMO was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013” said by Mr. Wilsey (2013).
Hence, the unconditional increase of high-tech gadgets bring us to this kind of phenomena that it involves a deep sense of envy and affects self-esteem as well as anxiety.” It is often exacerbated by social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. Facebook is FOMO’s natural habitat because your timeline can turn into a photo album of missed chances and lost opportunities” added by blogger Ms.Forbes (2015). In fact, FOMO leads people to check social media right after they wake up, before they go to bed and during meals.We even carry our phones when bathing and check it in between discussions.
With regards to this situation, it is is very common to college students who are stock in choosing whether to go on the party or to do the school works or else that would be just some memory that is a regret because of peer pressure .Like when after the “walwal” and your circle of friend will discuss it right infront of you. You’ll surely feel being out of place since you can’t relate to what’s going on and you’re there sitting silently and don’t know why they’re laughing, what’s going on and suddenly you’re laughing with them just to fit in. Awkward.

The bottom line is that ,there are things that will make us happy but in the process of studying , it doesn’t make us productive . So, it’s just a matter of balancing between what is that we’re going to miss and is it really something to miss.On the other hand, attending college is pricy –depending on the course assessment so its better to spend few years studying since the rest of our lives will be a time for us to make the best out of it. As been said by my adviser on high-school days “it’s better to taste the hardship of education than to taste the bitterness of ignorance”. FOMO is real and the only solution for it is self-control.




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