Is FOMO common among College Students?

In this society FOMO is so common even on the person who is living freely like the teens. Teens and adults text while driving, because the possibility of a social connection is more important than their own lives (and the lives of others). They interrupt one call to take another, even when they don’t know who’s on the other line . They check their Twitter stream while on a date, because something more interesting or entertaining just might be happening.Teens think they “get it” that technology is a natural extension of their social lives. But they’re mistaken they’re still cheating their lives around the technology and the social connections they tempt us with, rather than the other way around. They stay up all night waiting for the next status update. They interrupt a face-to-face conversation to make sure whatever’s going on elsewhere isn’t better. I wonder how this is a good way to promote future, strong social connections?

Also being attached with fake people migth cause you to give a trust but not that all. When you are a teen you give more time to the social medias because you think that social media is the one who give you a friend but the truth is not. Technology also give a assurance that it give a thing that you can talk to. Like a cellphone it gives you a application like Facebook , Instagram, and your other social media accounts. You give your trust to your phone better than your so called “FRIENDS”.As college students engage in the process of identifying new groups of friends, it may be anxiety provoking to be the first person to clear from the group by deciding it is time to go to sleep. First-year students may not want to appear disinterested in their new friends and therefore overcome by over-engaging and setting few boundaries on their time. FoMO was so strong that they had difficulty “unplugging” from each other both in person and through technology. Participants felt that they “shouldn’t sleep” because they might miss something important. As emerging adults develop mature relationships characterized by increased separation, independence, and distance from rival, they may be more able to unplug from there rivals, engage in self-care, and feel secure in the fact that their friends will still be present in their lives.

Choosing socializing over sleep was an important theme that emerged in the data. Some students identified difficulty balancing socializing and homework completion. Socializing would inevitably delay the start of homework, or vice versa, with both scenarios leading to sleep delays. However, because first-year students often have early morning classes, waking up for classes’ left students sleep depressed. This could also lead to napping in the afternoon, therefore eternalize the cycle of delayed sleep onset at night. The results also suggest that an important factor in the ability to balance sleep, social and academic demands was the ability to structure one’s time. For instance, students who were able to use large blocks of time during the daytime to complete homework had more time at night to socialize. Conversely, students who used their free daytime hours to nap had to utilize the nighttime to complete homework and socialize, therefore delaying sleep onset.



Is FOMO common among college student?

“Life is too short so you need to enjoy everything “Fear of missing out happens because one person don’t believe in his/her ability. College students aren’t alone in struggling with it .Connections with our peers developing more adult friendships and more intense romantic relationship than in the past .Brains and emotions are in flux and growing with almost the same rapidity that they did when we were small yet are expected to manage them as adults.

No matter what you do. You will be missing out on something that is most important thing that everyone should not missed .FOMO can be used by some as motivational to be more social or active. But in most the overwhelming amount of activities seen on social networking site and the inability to attend all of them to be a part of each that can lead to feelings of stress and depression.

FOMO has become so prevalent that some mental health have termed it an epidemic among young adults and a pervasive mental health syndrome of all ages. Knowing that what you see is not necessarily real. You should stop and realize these lives you’re witnessing online don’t actually exist.

Hung out with a friend and social media offers up fantasy world. So seeing people that can feel like a shot to the heart and don’t be so hard on yourself for staying in sometimes we need a break from it all .You need to have time for you’re self and be ok with not being able to do it all .There aren’t endless hours in the day and if there were we all be jumping for joy in that not only able to finish everything.

You should slowdown because most of us move at a faster pace than is necessary of beneficial to our best interest and enlisting the support of others in particularly those with whom you live or with close relationship that can also be helpful. Practice discernment in regard to distinguishing what is truly important and merely desirable and go for experience that are life enhancing .Be willing to not have it because all needs are limited for desires that are endless and one thing time has limits for multitasking.

Lastly practice mindfulness rather than chasing other for just an illusion of happiness. Strive deep satisfaction that come with the cultivation of mindfulness. Savor the moment of take time to linger over pleasurable experiences rather than rushing through them in quest of the thrill. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude instead of chasing fantasies that will believe to fulfil us. Appreciate on what we focusing because of the lack or desire. Enjoy the process of intergrating the practices into your life that can be labor of love and can be experienced as a blessing or an opportunity of series of obligations .because ”ALL PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION SO DON’T BE SCARED TO SOLVE IT !JUST TRY YOU’RE BEST”



FOMO’d: Common to all Collegiate?

FOMO is a new millennial term that is the abbreviation of the “fear of missing out” on things. Take for example my friend Clyde, who just opened his social media account per se Facebook. He was then shocked to find out that the latest trend he was aware of was replaced by something even trendier. FOMO happens when an individual experiences fear or guilt based on possibility that a certain fad is happening nearby. They thus missing out on a possible social experience whether by choice or necessity.

FOMO is commonly found in the natural habitat: SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, because as aforementioned, a timeline can turn into a nightmarish photo album of “what-would-have-been”. Hannah Elliott said “as I feel like social media is the main catalyst for FOMO because we’re constantly berated with seeing the restaurant that someone went to, or the music festival that someone went to”. As a result, you are hurt and afraid to even check mere notification.

Another example of being FOMO’d is missing out on what might’ve been the greatest party of your life, for the sake of high grades something we college men are aware of (huhu). This does not make it easier, though as it takes a toll on one’s sanity (believe me). Confining yourself to the dead air of libraries is torturous (IDK) enough, knowing that your friends are out there somewhere having fun.

And another not skipping that totally skippable teacher in his/her totally skippable class, can be somewhat of brain draining (and annoying! IRRITATING) when we talk like Galapagos Tortoise or explains like Rabbit the Hare. Do not forget however, that getting caught up can lead to low grades. Dr. Veronica Thomas worth noting, said that “Don’t let ‘being cool’ stop you from going to classes. One day you will look back and regret it when final season hits and you missed an important lecture that could make or break your exam”. You will regret it dearly when finals come up and you’ve missed an important lesson, get your money’s worth and go to class, and in the end, when you have your diploma, you’ll see it’s worth all the sacrifices.

With all those FOMO’d moments that could adversely make or break your college life, managing expectations and prioritization can help you see college in the new lenses. And once they are set you can have more control over your social and academic life, when you will complete your homework, you can now join your friends for a day/night out. Lastly, try to minimize your screen time, what you cannot see won’t hurt you right? By constantly looking at your social media account being alerted that your friends are out there somewhere enjoying without you, it hurts (it hurts you enough) and it can keep you from unfinished homework which then leads to staying home from activities. And the cycle of FOMO continues. But with the lesser and more controlled it is the better also to break the FOMO’d curse you’ve having.



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“Is FOMO common or not common among college students?”

Humans like to use acronyms in everything. Whether it’s on the medical field and uses it on diseases, the cyberworld, especially with social media, or when students try to memorize stuff for their exams & quizzes that have enumerations on them and/or just simply around circle of friends. Some years ago, people coined the acronym of “you only live once” or we use it now as YOLO.

And now we did it again with FOMO. As Dan Ruiz says in his article that, the “fear of missing out” or FOMO is a form of social anxiety where individuals are concerned about missing out on opportunities, new experiences and fun activities. So, FOMO is the new YOLO of some sorts and it’s constantly use by college students. And yes, this phenomenon is common among college students and yes, this generation is weird.

When we think about college, this is the last stage of being in an institution that we do with learning stuff, doing homework, projects, research or thesis, and everything the college people require students do, one thing that comes to our mind is we get one heck out of experience to cherish. In this time of our life, we make new connections with strangers turn peers, developing adult friendships and mature relationships with others, and a pavement into our future roles as professional people.

FOMO is one of the causes of stress among college students because they don’t want to feel left out of something their friends are doing. They can be having fun in parties, going on a road trips, swimming in beaches or pools or anything to do with water, or just simply hanging out somewhere. And when they don’t go into any of this, they are constantly checking their phones and log in into their social media accounts, specifically Facebook, to check for posts and statuses of their friends who are having the time of their life in any of those events with others. “Researchers disagree on the cause of FOMO, but they do agree that this inability to stop checking our phones or social media can distract us from important things happening in the moment”. – By Olivia Rauch, PHE-in-training

Students want to do everything and be everywhere at the same time. Social media technologies like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are directly linked to the rise of FOMO, according to With at least 24 percent of teenagers online ‘almost constantly,’ it’s no surprise that fear of missing out is an epidemic among millennials. “FOMO is especially rampant in the millennial community because they see a peer achieving something they want, and somehow in their mind, that achievement means something is being ‘taken away’ from them,” said Darlene McLaughlin, M.D., assistant professor at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine and a psychiatry and behavioral health specialist with Texas A&M Physicians.

A lot of things may cause this “disease” to happen to everyone. One, we are human beings who are attention-seeking creatures and that we sometimes want company from others to survive. Let’s face it, we are needy people. Like puppies who follows you around & wants to be with you all the time. ‘They are lovely creatures.’ Especially the generation nowadays, college students who easily gets depressed when they are not doing anything relevant or rather fun or just being alone. In this particular situation. Too dark? Anyway, I will relate it to one of the episodes of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ where they introduce “The Blitz”. In this episode, they told the story about how they came up with the word blitz, which means to them is kind of like being a FOMO person, a person who doesn’t want to be out of the loop because the other person has to do something or go somewhere. And also, it shows the side of the person who have been left out feeling scared and insecure of being the ‘Blitz’.

It’s a funny show, totally recommended to be watch. Two, people don’t want to feel left out from experiencing new possibilities and potential social experiences, whether by choice or necessity.We, humans or college students, want to keep up or be up-to-date to trends or whatever new interest people are talking about now. Three, it is human nature to want to be liked, and feel included and needed by others. The fear of missing out can impact people mentally, psychologically, and emotionally, but specifically, with the rise of social media, Millennials and the people belong in the Generation Z are being impacted in a way that has never been seen. And lastly, college students need to up their game in school if they want to achieve their goals and dreams in life, which is true, but they sometimes feel like they are sacrificing their lives of missing an awesome night out with their peers to keep their GPA up. They also feel guilty because they are not with their friends and spending good time with them.And they feel like intruding the moment when the next day or the next time they hang out with each other, their friends are closer than ever. Because maybe they shared inside jokes during their night out or something.

They are a lot of researches, journals or articles, and blogs that is talking about this phenomenon among college students. They are a lot of different situations where FOMO gets the best of all of us. A lot of types of people who experience this basically feels sad and guilty of missing out and being out of the loop. And sometimes they feel like a failure or a garbage for having to missed everything with friends or family by doing something different. So, instead of just spending quality time with family, they turn to social media and obsess about the posts of pictures and videos of their friends having fun without them. They feel envious and they tend to resent their selves and get jealous with their friends having fun.

“This is probably an exaggeration, but FOMO tends to cloud our judgment. Everyone feels left out from time to time. It’s just a part of life. While it may seem like it’s the end of the world when everyone is having fun and you’re missing out, tomorrow is a whole new day: A new chance for adventure. Or even more FOMO… the vicious cycle never seems to end”. –by:SarahDesiderio¬¬¬

In conclusion, FOMO has been existing and affecting our daily lives, but with the internet we keep up with it. College students now are mostly Millennials and Generation Z people that are basically digital natives or a phone is always attached to their hands or any form of technology that uses the internet. They are also humans who needs constant company and attention from others because they live stressful lives. So YES, FOMO is REAL and affects or common among college students.



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FOMO is Real

What is it that we’re missing or is it really something to miss? We all experience that phenomena where we’re regretting something that we skipped or miss something, don’t you. Well, what’s this feeling anyway?56389517_347646439210706_6209924811913691136_n
“ FOMO is an acronym that stands for the phrase fear of missing out. It has been in steady use since the early 2000s, its popularity fueled by the internet. Someone who suffers from FOMO is afraid of not being included in an activity, of missing a rewarding interaction. This feeling may often arise when reading posts from friends, acquaintances and others on social media. The term fear of missing out was coined by Dan Herman, a marketing expert, in the 1990s. By 2002, the acronym FOMO began appearing in publications to mean the fear of not experiencing life to its fullest. FOMO was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013” said by Mr. Wilsey (2013).
Hence, the unconditional increase of high-tech gadgets bring us to this kind of phenomena that it involves a deep sense of envy and affects self-esteem as well as anxiety.” It is often exacerbated by social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. Facebook is FOMO’s natural habitat because your timeline can turn into a photo album of missed chances and lost opportunities” added by blogger Ms.Forbes (2015). In fact, FOMO leads people to check social media right after they wake up, before they go to bed and during meals.We even carry our phones when bathing and check it in between discussions.
With regards to this situation, it is is very common to college students who are stock in choosing whether to go on the party or to do the school works or else that would be just some memory that is a regret because of peer pressure .Like when after the “walwal” and your circle of friend will discuss it right infront of you. You’ll surely feel being out of place since you can’t relate to what’s going on and you’re there sitting silently and don’t know why they’re laughing, what’s going on and suddenly you’re laughing with them just to fit in. Awkward.

The bottom line is that ,there are things that will make us happy but in the process of studying , it doesn’t make us productive . So, it’s just a matter of balancing between what is that we’re going to miss and is it really something to miss.On the other hand, attending college is pricy –depending on the course assessment so its better to spend few years studying since the rest of our lives will be a time for us to make the best out of it. As been said by my adviser on high-school days “it’s better to taste the hardship of education than to taste the bitterness of ignorance”. FOMO is real and the only solution for it is self-control.




Is FOMO Common Among College Students?

Social media is a powerful tool that connects us to everyone. With one click, we are updated to what everyone is up to. In there we can see awesome pictures of people enjoying their life, pictures of adventurous nature trip, a bar hopping or even eating in a good restaurant. Then there’s you, a total hermit sleeping in your cave, scrolling their pictures with guilt hugging you, saying you should’ve been with them. Because of that, you will feel that you have zero social life and then fear of missing out is born! However to us college students does FOMO or fear of missing out really common?
I just got in college so I am one of the freshmen in tertiary level. I did not observe the college students as a whole, so I am going to use my experience as a basis if FOMO is common to us. Well I say, FOMO is not bothering me because of 3 major reasons:
First, tertiary level is no joke. The six days of the week is filled with stressful learning sessions and you have to study because you have to pass the quiz next day. Each day is filled with activities that you have to put extra effort because doing half-hearted activities won’t grant you a passing grade. With a lot of works to be done at the end of the day you would go home drained so you don’t have time for social life because you have to recharge for the next day. I am not a nerd who is boringly studious it’s just that I am taking college war seriously. It’s either to return defeated or victorious. It’s either to make our parents proud or not or it’s either finish college in straight years or not. I may not be whimsical when it comes to studies except that I can’t afford to waste my parent’s money because of pleasure times.
Second, I really don’t have enough money to spend on gatherings. Living in a city is money demanding than living in a province. Everything is expensive and going to school alone is expensive. I have to be careful not spend money mindlessly. So I rather stay at home and save my money than going out and enjoy life but penniless in return.
Lastly, the pictures in social media are sometimes over exaggerating. People who attends boring event or gatherings can manage to capture enjoyable moment looking like it is very fun. Pictures can be deceiving like the food and ambiance in a restaurant look so fancy but it will just disappoint you if you actually visit it.
Going out and enjoy life is not bad at all. Sometimes it is the treatment of negative spices of life. It is also okay to experience FOMO, we are just but a human after all. It is okay to feel guilt after turning down an offer or invitations it means that you have more important things to do but don’t be selfish to yourself. Treat yourself sometimes and enjoy life but make sure to do what is more important.



Is FOMO common among College Students?

The fear of missing out is a feeling that forms an effect to the youth of todays generation. The concept of FOMO is the feeling of jealousy – just like seeing your friends, or even complete strangers, having fun without you, has the effect of making you feel left out, regretful for not attending, and just plain bad.

FOMO effects the mentality which is now built within them and slowly poisoning them with the thought of having to be “in” and the state of mind that makes then think that you should go with the crowd, follow the crowd or you’ll be left out. It’s a disorder where someone feels anxious because something exciting is happening without them. It can even be triggered by word of mouth: when someone hears about something and they weren’t invited, they might feel left out. FOMO happens when anyone first becomes aware of an opportunity that sounds appealing, and then at some point they find out that they weren’t invited to attend this opportunity.

Most of the time this is also triggered by pictures on Instagram, Facebook or other social media sites now sparking a hint of feeling sad.

Coping with the atmosphere of society today is difficult and complicated.
Of course, we’ve all experienced feelings of missing out on cool stuff that our friends might be doing. But with social media, these feelings are increased dramatically. One in two teens find it difficult to sleep or relax after spending time on social media sites.

The best way to combat FOMO is to do something that makes you feel good. Something that you can always do when you feel down. It is advisable to go back to why you used social media in the first place, to connect with friends and family. When you are with them in person, be with them and put away your phone and enjoy their presence and you should remember that things aren’t always what they seem. So go out there and be happy and busy doing your own thing that you have no time to worry or care about missing out on what’s going on elsewhere.

